Managing Stress and
Improving Resilience

Building resilience to help your team thrive under pressure.

Programme At A Glance

  • Why?

    ● Equip your best individual talent and teams to operate from a mindset of thriving vs surviving

    ● Maximise overall performance, simply by improved self management and peer support

    ● Provide the vital skills necessary to experience more joy, satisfaction and pleasure in the workplace

  • Who?

    ● This impactful workshop is relevant to all roles, hierarchies, and industry niches

    ● The programme can be customised and augmented to cater for a management/leadership focus which includes managing pressure and stretch in teams

  • What?

    ● Demystifying where stress comes from - within ourselves, our thoughts and beliefs vs external stressors

    ● The psychological truth that stress and fear responses are choices that we make; therefore equipping attendees to identify and manage their "response-ability"

    ● Identify toxic thinking errors that seem to cause stress

    ● A series of practical, reliable and helpful techniques to both prevent and cure stress - which we believe should be rebranded "managing pressure"

  • What Our Customer Reviews Often Say

    ● They wish they’d learned these simple, helpful techniques sooner!

    ● The 'Scale of Awfulness' is a memorable stress buster

    ● Confidence and peer support improve, and resilience soars instantly!